Life is a Highway - and I Hit a Pothole.

Howard Arnold Walter, 1906

I would be true, for there are those who trust me;
I would be pure, for there are those who care;
I would be strong, for there is much to suffer;
|: I would be brave, for there is much to dare.| 2. I would be friend of all--the foe, the friendless;
I would be giving, and forget the gift;
I would be humble, for I know my weakness;
|: I would look up, and laugh, and love and lift. :|
3. I would be faithful through each passing moment;
I would be constantly in touch with God;
I would be strong to follow where He leads me;
|: I would have faith to keep the path Christ trod. :|

This lovely song is a great guide for "how to live". Though I try very hard to follow the Masters' Path, sadly, I allow my weakness to become the lens through which I see my world, and that particular lens is not the one that creates beauty and peace!

I happen to be a big fan of Apostle Paul. Probably because he was just so human! and passionate!  In Romans 7:15 he says, "I do not understand what I do. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate"
What a statement! Have you ever wondered what it is that he has done? Many have speculated, but no one is certain. But it must be his Achilles' Heel, as he expresses great remorse.
I like him because in a way, he is a sort of Every Man. As he grew in power and arrogance, he began to inflict great harm on others, without regard to their lives or feelings. He was quite the destructive force.  This is what we do to others, when our own pride and arrogance get in the way.
When he had his amazing Awakening, he began to use his Powers for Good, and became a beacon and inspiration that lasts till this day. Which is what happens to us when we work to Awaken to the Christ within.

If Paul could do it, well, so could I.

However, this week I fell off my Path.  I inflicted damage, and there has been a consequence, that is for certain.
I have an Achilles' Heel.  I will not elaborate here at this time, Dear Reader, but I am well aware of what it is, and, like Paul, I get baffled at myself when I let that Ooky rise up and cripple my walk.

A Dear Friend has reminded me that I am a Learning, Growing Person. That we can make mistakes, as long as we work to be aware of what we have done, and set about to correct the behavior. She also reminded me that, although I wrote the script and handed it over, the other Players have their parts as well. I am no less Spiritually Progressive for having "slipped" in my behavior. 

A great mantra that comes courtesy of the 12 step program is: Progress not Perfection.

If you are interested in learning more about Apostle Paul, in an entertaining way, then I recommend the book "Great Lion of God" by Taylor Caldwell.

Although I love to learn from Jesus, when I have become less than my highest Spirtual Self, I turn to Paul to remind me that I am a Human-Being, and not to be a Human-Doing. I love his Human-ness and passion. I love MY Human-ness and passion, even when it leads me astray.

All I can do is embrace it, own it, and get back on the Path!
(but, like Paul, I wonder - 'will I EVER stop doing that which I hate?')

Namaste, y'all!
